Verses:- 61 to 70.

61.  Victory over mind, Getting of wealth:-


Asau naasa-vamsas tuhina-girivamsa-dhvajapati

 Thvadhiyo nedhiyah phalatu phalam asmakam uchitam;

 Vahathy anthar muktah sisira-kara-nisvasa galitham

 Samruddhya yat tasam bahir api cha mukta-mani-dharah

 Oh Goddess , who is the flag of the clan of Himalayas,

 Let your nose which is like a thin bamboo,

 Give us the blessings which are apt and near.

 I feel mother,

 That you are wearing a rare pearl,

 Brought out by your breath,

 Through your left nostril,

 For your nose is a storehouse,

 Of rarest pearls divine.

 62.  Good sleep:


Prakrithya'rakthayas thava sudhati dantha-cchada-ruchaih

 Pravakshye saadrisyam janayathu phalam vidhruma-latha;

 Na bimbam tad-bimba-prathiphalana-raagad arunitham

 Thulam adhya'rodhum katham iva bhilajjetha kalaya.

 Oh goddess who has beautiful rows of teeth,

 I tried to find a simile to your blood red lips,

 And can only imagine the fruit of the coral vine!

 The fruits of the red cucurbit,

 Hangs its head in shame,

 On being compared to your lips,

 As it has tried to imitate its colour.from you,

 And knows that it has failed miserably.

 63. Bewitching all:


Smitha-jyothsna-jalam thava vadana-chandrasya pibatham

 Chakoranam asid athi-rasataya chanchu-jadima;

 Athas the sithamsor amrtha-laharim amla-ruchayah

 Pibanthi svacchhandam nisi nisi bhrusam kaanjika-dhiya.

 The Chakora* birds,

 Feel that their tongues have been numbed,

 By forever drinking,

 The sweet nectar like light emanating,

 From your moon like face,

 And for a change wanted to taste,

 The sour rice gruel during the night,

 And have started drinking,

 The white rays of the full moon in the sky.

 64.  Getting of all knowledge:


Avishrantam pathyur guna-gana-katha'mridana-japa

 Japa-pushpasc-chaya thava janani jihva jayathi saa;

 Yad-agrasinayah sphatika-drishad-acchac-chavi mayi

 Sarasvathya murthih parinamati manikya-vapusha.

 Mother mine,

 The well known tongue of yours,

 Which without rest chants and repeats,

 The many goods of your Consort, Shiva,

 Is red like the hibiscus flower.

 The Goddess of learning Saraswathi,

 Sitting at the tip of your tongue,

 Though white and sparkling like a crystal,

 Turns red like the ruby,

 Because of the colour of your tongue.

 65.  Victory, Control over words:


Rane jithva'daithyan apahrutha-sirastraih kavachibhir

 Nivrittais Chandamsa-Tripurahara-nirmalva-vimukhaih;

 Visakh'endr'opendraih sasi-visadha-karpura-sakala

 Viliyanthe maatas tava vadana-tambula-kabalah.

 Oh mother of the world,

 The lords subrahmanya, Vishnu and Indra,

 Returning and resting after the war with Asuras.

 Have removed their head gear,

 And wearing the iron jackets,

 Are not interested in the left over,

 After the worship of Shiva,

 Which belongs to Chandikeswara,

 And are swallowing with zest,

 The half chewed betel,

 From your holy mouth,

 Which has the camphor as white as the moon.

 66.  Sweet words, Mastery in music


Vipanchya gayanthi vividham apadhanam Pasupathea

 Thvay'arabdhe vakthum chalita-sirasa sadhuvachane;

 Tadhiyair madhuryair apalapitha-tantri-kala-ravam

 Nijaam vinam vani nichulayati cholena nibhrutham.

 Oh mother of all,.

 When you start nodding your head,

 Muttering sweetly, “good,good”,

To the Goddess Saraswathi,

 When she sings the great stories to you,

 Of Pasupathi our lord,

 With the accompaniment of her Veena,

 She mutes the Veena by the covering cloth,

 So that the strings throwing sweetest music,

 Are not put to shame,

 By your voice full of sweetness.

 67.  Appearance in person of the Goddess:


Karagrena sprustam thuhina-girina vatsalathaya

 Girisen'odasthama muhur adhara-pan'akulataya;

 Kara-grahyam sambhor mukha-mukura-vrintham Giri-sute

 Kadham-karam bramas thava chubukam aupamya-rahitham.

 Oh daughter of the mountain,

 How can we describe the beauty of your chin,

 Which was with affection caressed,

 By the tip of his fingers by your father Himavan:

 Which was oft lifted by the Lord of the mountain, Shiva,

 In a hurry to drink deeply from your lips;

 Which was so fit to be touched by his fingers;

 Which did not have anything comparable,

 And which is the handle of the mirror of your face.

 68.  Attracting the king:


Bhujasleshan nithyam Pura-damayituh kantaka-vathi

 Tava griva dhatte mukha-kamalanaala-sriyam iyam;

 Svatah swetha kaalaagaru-bahula-jambala-malina

 Mrinali-lalithyam vahati yadadho hara-lathika.

 Your neck appears full of thorns always,

 Due to the hairs standing out,

 By the frequent embrace of thy Lord,

 Who destroyed the three cities.

 And looks like the beauty of the stalk,

 Of your lotus like face.

 The chain of white pearls worn below,

 Is dulled by the incense and myrrh,

 And the paste of sandal applied there,

 And is like the tender stalk,

 Dirtied by the bed of mud.

 69.  Mastery over music:


Gale rekhas thisro gathi-gamaka-gith'aika nipune


 Virajanthe nana-vidha-madhura-ragakara-bhuvam

 Thrayanam gramanam sthithi-niyama-seemana iva the.

She who is an expert in Gathi, Gamaka and Geetha*,

 The three lucky lines on your neck,

 Perhaps remind one,

 Of the number of the well tied manifold thread,

 Tied during your marriage,

 And also remind of the place,

 In your pretty neck,

 Where originates the three musical notes,

 Of Shadja, Madhyama and Gandhara,

 70.  Compensation for mistakes done to God Shiva:


Mrinali-mridhvinam thava bhuja-lathanam chatasrinam

 Chaturbhih saundaryam Sarasija-bhavah stauthi vadanaih;

 Nakhebhyah samtrasyan prathama-madhanadandhaka-ripo

 Chaturnam sirshanam samam abhaya-hasth'arapana-dhiya.

 Brahma, the God born out of Lotus,

 Afraid of the nails Of Shiva,

 Who killed the Asura called Andhaka,

 Which has clipped of one of his heads,

 Praises with his four faces,

 Your four pretty , tender hands,

 Resembling the lotus flower stalk,

 So that he can ask for protection for his remaining four heads,

 By use of your four merciful hands at the same time.


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