THE SOUNDARYA LAHARI : Slokam-11. Jagadguru Swami Sri Adi Shankaracharya’s Immortal Creation


Slokam -11 : (Good progeny, Getting a meaning for life)

Slokam :

"Chaturbhih shri-kantaih shiva-yuvatibhih panchabhir api
Prabhinnabhih sambhor navabhir api mula-prakrthibhih;
Chatus-chatvarimsad vasu-dala-kalasra-trivalaya-
Tri-rekhabhih sardham tava sarana-konah parinatah."
By words meaning :

Chaturbhih shri-kantaih =  with the four Srikanta (Siva) cakras
shiva-yuvatibhih           =  Sivayuvati (Sakti) cakras
panchabhir api             =  and with five
Prabhinnabhih              =  seperate from
sambhor                      =  from those of Sambhu (the Siva) cakras
navabhir api                 =  and with nine
mula-prakrthibhih         =  source materials of the universe
chatus-chatvarimsad    =  forty four
vasu-dala                    =  eight petalled (lotus)
kalasra                        =  sixteen edged (lotus)
trivalaya                      =  three circles
Tri-rekhabhih              =  with three lines
sardham                     =   with
tava sarana-konah       =  the angles of your abode
parinatah                    =  come to a close
 Translation :

"With four wheels of our Lord Shiva, And with five different wheels of you, my mother, Which are the real basis of this world, Your house of the holy wheel, Has four different parts, Of eight and sixteen petals, Three different circles, And three different lines, Making a total of forty four angles*."
The angles of your abode come to a close with forty four with four Srikantha (cakras) and five Sivayuvati (cakras), seperate from the Sambhu (Siva) cakras and (hence) with the nine source materials of the universe, along with the eight petalled (lotus), the sixteen edged (lotus), the three circles (and) with three lines.
(The abode of Sakti is the thousand petalled lotus in the brain.)
To be continued ....



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