Verses:-45 to 50-

45. Blessing of Goddess of wealth, Your word becoming a fact


Aralaih swabhavyadalikalabha-sasribhiralakaih
 Paritham the vakhtram parihasati pankheruha-ruchim;
 Dara-smere yasmin dasana-ruchi-kinjalka-ruchire
 Sugandhau madhyanti Smara-dahana-chaksur-madhu-lihah.

By nature slightly curled,
 And shining like the young honey bees
 Your golden thread like hairs,
 Surround your golden face.
 Your face makes fun of the beauty of the lotus.
 And adorned with slightly parted smile,
 Showing the tiers of your teeth,
 Which are like the white tendrils,
 And which are sweetly scented.
 Bewitches the eyes of God,
 Who burnt the god of love.

46.  Getting blessed with a son


Lalatam lavanya-dyuthi-vimalamaabhati tava yath
 Dvithiyam tan manye makuta-ghatitham chandra-sakalam;
 Viparyasa-nyasad ubhayam api sambhuya cha mithah
 Sudhalepa-syutih pareenamati raka-himakarah.

I suspect oh, mother,
 That your forehead,
 Which shines with the beauty of the moon,
 Is but an imprisoned half moon,
 By your glorious crown,
 For If joined opposite
 To the inverted half moon in your crown,
 It would give out the nectar like luster,
 Of the moon on a full moon day.

47. Victory in all efforts


Bhruvau bhugne kinchit bhuvana-bhaya-bhanga-vyasanini
 Tvadhiye nethrabhyam madhukara-ruchibhyam dhrita-gunam;
 Dhanur manye savye'tara-kara-grhitam rathipateh
 Prakoshte mushtau ca sthagayati nigudha'ntharam ume

Oh Goddess Uma,
 She who removes fear from the world,
 The slightly bent eye brows of yours,
 Tied by a hoard of honey bees forming the string,
 I feel Resembles the bow of the god of love
 Held by his left hand .
 And having hidden middle part*,
 Hid by the wrist, and folded fingers.

48.  Removal of problems created by nine planets


Ahah sute savyam tava nayanam ark'athmakathaya
 Triyamam vamam the srujati rajani-nayakataya;
 Trithiya the drishtir dhara-dhalita-hemambuja-ruchih
 Samadhatte sandhyam divasa-nisayor antara-charim

 Right eye of yours is like the sun,
 And makes the day,
 Left eye of yours is like the moon,
 And creates the night,
 Thine middle eye,
 Which is like the golden lotus bud,
 Slightly opened in to a flower,
 Makes the dawn and the dusk.

 49.  Victory in everything, Locating of treasures


Vishala kalyani sphuta-ruchir ayodhya kuvalayaih
 Kripa-dhara-dhara kimapi madhur'a bhogavatika;
 Avanthi drishtis the bahu-nagara-vistara-vijaya
 Dhruvam tattan-nama-vyavaharana-yogya vijayate

The look from your eyes, Oh goddess
 Is all pervasive,
 Does good to every one,
 Sparkles everywhere,
 Is a beauty that can never be challenged,
 Even by blue lily flowers,
 Is the source of rain of mercy,
 Is sweetness personified,
 Is long and pretty,
 Is capable of saving devotees,
 Is in the several cities as its victory..
 And can be called by several names,
 According to which aspect one sees.

 50.  Seeing afar, Curing of small pox


Kavinam sandharbha-sthabaka-makarandh'aika-rasikam
 Amunchantau drshtva tava nava-ras'asvada tharalau-
 Asuya-samsargadhalika-nayanam kinchid arunam.

 Thine two long eyes , Oh goddess,
 Are like the two little bees which want to drink the honey,
 And extend to the ends ,
 With a pretense of side glances,
 To thine two ears,
 Which are bent upon drinking the honey,
 From the flower bunch of poems.
 Presented by your devotees,
 And make thine third eye light purple,
 With jealousy and envy,


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