Verses: (71-80)

71.  Getting of wealth:
Nakhanam uddyotai nava-nalina-ragam vihasatham
 Karanam te kantim kathaya kathayamah katham Ume;
 Kayachid va samyam bhajatu kalaya hanta kamalam
 Yadi kridal-lakshmi-charana-tala-laksha-rasa-chanam.
 Oh Goddess Uma,
 You only tell us ,how,
 How we can describe,
 The shining of your hands,
 By the light of your nails,
 Which tease the redness of freshly opened lotus?
 Perhaps if the red lotus mixes,
 With the liquid lac adorning,
 The feet of Lakshmi,
 Some resemblance can be seen.

72.  Conquering fear of darkness, Getting grace from Goddess, Making slave of Yakshini:
Samam devi skanda dwipa vadana peetham sthanayugam
 Thavedham na khedham harathu sathatham prasnutha mukham
 Yada loakakhya sankha kulitha hridayo hasa janaka
 Swa kumbhou herambha parisrusathi hasthena jhhaddithi
 Our Goddess Devi,
 Let your two cool breasts,
 Which have faces that always,
 Give out milk,
 And are simultaneously drunk deeply.
 By Skanda and the elepahant faced Ganesha,,
 Destroy all our sorrows.
 Seeing them and getting confused,
 The Herambha* feels for his two frontal globes,
 To see whether they are there,
 Making you both laugh.

 73.  Production of milk, Redemption:
Amuu theey vakshoja vamrutharasa manikhya kuthupou
 Na sadhehaspatho nagapathi pathake manasi na
 Pibhanthou thow yasma dhavadhitha bhadusangha rasikou
 Kumara vadhyapi dwiradhavadhana krouncha dhalanou
 Oh, Victory flag of the king of mountains,
 We never have any doubt in our mind,
 That your two breasts divine,
 Are the nectar filled pot made of rubies,
 For The elephant faced one,
 And he who killed Crownchasura*,
 Even today do not know the pleasure of women,
 And remain as young children.
 74.  Good fame:
Bahathyambha sthamberam dhanuja kumbha prakrithibhi
 Samaarabhdham muktha mamibhi ramalam haara lathikam
 Kuchabhogo bhimbhadara ruchibhi rathna saabhalitham
 Prathapa vyamishram puradamayithu keerthimiva thee
 Oh mother mine.
 The center place of your holy breasts,
 Wear the glittering chain ,
 Made out of the pearls,
 Recovered from inside the head of Gajasura,
 And reflect the redness of your lips,
 Resembling the Bimba fruits,
 And are coloured red inside.
 You wear the chain with fame,
 Like you wear the fame of our Lord.
 Who destroyed the three cities.

 75.  Capacity to write poems:
Twa stanyam manye dharanidhara kanye hridhayatha
 Paya paraabhaara parivahathi saaraswathamiva
 Dhayavathya dhattham dravida sisu raaswadhya thava yat
 Kaveenam proudana majani kamaniya kavayitha
 Oh daughter of the king of mountains,
 I feel in my mind,
 That the milk that flows from your breast,
 Is really the goddess of learning, Sarswathi,
 In the form of a tidal wave of nectar.
 For , milk given by you ,who is full of mercy,
 Made the child of Dravida*,
 The king among those great poets,
 Whose works stole one’s mind.

76.  Complete renunciation, Victory in love:
Hara krodha jwalaavalibhir avaleedena vapusha
 Gabhire thee nabhisarasi kruthasangho manasija
 Samuthasthou thasmath achalathanaye dhoomalathika
 Janastham janithe thava janani romaavalirithi
 Oh daughter of the mountain,
 The God of love who is the king of the mind,
 Being lit by the flame of anger of Shiva,
 Immersed himself in the deep pond of thine navel.
 The tendril like smoke emanated from there,
 And mother, people think,
 That this is the line of hair,
 That climbs from your navel upwards.

77.  Gaining Micro sight, Attracting every one:
Yadhethath kalindhi thanu thara ngaa kruthi shive
 Krushe mahye kinchid janani thawa yadbhathi sudheeyam
 Vimardha –dhanyonyam kuchakalasayo –ranthara gatham
 Thanu bhootham vyoma pravishadhiva nabhim kuharinim
 The mother of universe who is Shiva and Shakthi,
 In the narrow part of the middle of your body.
 The learned men seem to see a line,
 Which is in the shape of a small wave of the river Yamuna,
 And which shines and glitters, and appears like the sky ,
 Made very thin by thine dense colliding breasts,
 Entering your cave like navel.
 78.  Attracting all the universe:
Sthiro gangavartha sthana mukula romaa vali latha
 Kalaabhalam kundam kusuma sara thejo hutha bhuja
 Rathe leelamgaram kimapi thava nabhir giri suthe
 Bhila dwaram siddhe rgirisa nayananam vijayathe
 Oh daughter of the mountain,
 Is your navel a whirl pool in river Ganga,
 Which looks very stable!
 Or is it the root of the climber,
 Of the stream of your hair line,
 Which has two breasts of yours as buds,
 Or is it the Homa fire,
 Where the fire is the light from cupid,
 Or is it the play house of Rathi, the wife of God of love,
 Or is it the opening to the cave,
 In which Shiva’s tapas gets fulfilled,
 I am not able to make up my mind!
 79.  Getting magical capability, Bewitching all others
Nisargha ksheenasya sthana thata bharena klamajusho
 Namanmurthe narree thilaka sanakaii –sthrutayatha eva
 Chiram thee Madhyasya thruthitha thatini theera tharuna
 Samavasthaa sthemno bhavathu kusalam sailathanaye
 Oh daughter of the mountain,
 You who is the greatest among women,
 Long live your pretty hips,
 Which look fragile,
 Which are by nature tiny,
 Which are strained by your heavy breasts,
 And hence slightly bent,
 And which look like the tree,
 In the eroded banks of a rushing river.

 80.  Getting remarkable beauty, Becoming expert in magic:
Kuchou sadhya swidhya-sthata =ghatitha koorpasabhidurou
 Kasnthou dhormule kanaka kalasabhou kalayatha
 Thava thrathum bhangadhalamithi valagnam thanubhava
 Thridha naddham devi trivali lavalovallibhiriva
 Oh Goddess mine,
 Placed just below your shoulders,
 By Cupid , the God of love,
 Tearing your blouse which is attached ,
 To your body by the sweat,
 When you think of the greatness of your Lord,
 And resembling pots of Gold,
 Your breasts appear to be tied by him,
 Securely three times,
 By the three creeper like folds*.


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