42. Attracting everything, Curing diseases caused by water :



42. Attracting everything, Curing diseases caused by water :

Gathair manikyatvam gagana-manibhih-sandraghatitham.
 Kiritam te haimam himagiri-suthe kirthayathi yah;
 Sa nideyascchaya-cchurana-sabalam chandra-sakalam
 Dhanuh saunasiram kim iti na nibadhnati dhishanam.


 Hey daughter of the ice mountain,
 He who chooses to describe,
 Your crown ,bedecked with shining jewels,
 Which are but the transformed form,
 And arranged very close to one another,
 Of the twelve holy suns,
 Will see the crescent in your crown,
 In the dazzling light of those jewels,
 And think them as a rainbow,
 Which is but the bow of Indra.


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