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THE SOUNDARYA LAHARI : Slokam-19. Jagat guru Swami Sri Adi Shankaracharya’s Immortal Creation.

 ------------------------------------ Sunday, November  22, 2020. 07:20. AM. Slokam-19.  Post-21. --------------------------- Soundarya Lahari Slokam - 19 : "Mukham bindun kruthva kucha yuga mada sthasya thadha dho Harardha dhyayedhyo haramamahishi the manmathakalam Sa sadhya samkshebham nayathi vanitha inyathiladhu Thrilokimapyasu bramayathi ravindu sthana yugam." ​----------------------------------------------- Translation :  Mukam  = face;   bindum  =  the central circle of the Sricakra (representing Siva   and Sakti in the causal stage of creation) kruthva  =  having regarded kucha yugam  =  the pair of breasts adhah tasya  =  below that tathu adah    = below that harartham     = the lower half of Siva (Yoni or the female organs of generation) dayayetu yah  = he who will meditate harmahishi      =  Oh queen of Hara (Siva)! (Sakti) te manmatakalam =  your manifestation of creative will sah sadya =  he immediately   samsheba nayati  = reduces (them) to a state of agitation

THE SOUNDARYA LAHARI : Slokam-18. Jagat guru Swami Sri Adi Shankaracharya’s Immortal Creation.

 ----------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday, October  28, 2020. 11:04. AM. Slokam-18.  Post-20. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Slokam-18. "tanuchayapih  te taruna taruni  sri saranipih rthavam sarva murvimarunimanimaknam  smarathi yah bhavant  yasya trasyatvana harinashalina nayanah saho  kashya  karshyah  gathi gatha na  kirvana  kanikah."     ------------------------------------------------------------------ Translation :  tanuchayapih  - by the lustre of body te - your taruna taruni sri - the lustre of the newly risen sun sanipih - with arrangement dirva - heaven sarvam urvi - all the earth arunamin maknam  - immersed in redness smarati yah - he who thinks bhavant asyah - to him  saho van harina  - frightened forest deer shalina nayana  - eyes resembling sah urvashi  - along with Urvasi (the most beautiful of the celestial maidens)  kashyah - (are) submissive kathi katha - how many n - not girvana ganika -

THE SOUNDARYA LAHARI : Slokam-17. Jagat guru Swami Sri Adi Shankaracharya’s Immortal Creation.

  ----------------------------------------------------------- Sunday, October 04, 2020. 8:18. AM. Slokam-17. mastery over words, Knowledge of science Post-19. --------------------------------------------------------------- Slokam - 17: mastery over words, Knowledge of science "Savitribhir vacham Chasi-mani-sila-bhanga-rucibhir Vasiny'adyabhis tvam saha janani samchintayati yah; Sa karta kavyanam bhavati mahatam bhangi-rucibhih Vacobhi vagdevi-vadana-kamal'amoda madhuraii." ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Translation : Savitribhir vacham  = with the generators of speech (Vagdevatas); Chasi-mani-sila       =  moon stone gem; bhanga-rucibhir       =  lustre of the broken; Vasiny'adyabhis      =  with Vasini and others (the 18 Vagdevatas); tvam saha               =  together with you; janani                      =  Oh Mother! (Sakti); samchintayati yah;   =  he who reflects; Sa karta kavyanam bhavati  =  he is the author of

THE SOUNDARYA LAHARI : Slokam-16. Jagadguru Swami Sri Adi Shankaracharya’s Immortal Creation.

----------------------------------------------------------- Monday, September 14, 2020. Slokam-16. Ability to write poems and ability to become scholar Post-18. --------------------------------------------------------------- Slokam -16. (Mastery of Vedas) "Kavindranam chetah-kamala-vana-baal'atapa-ruchim Bhajante ye santah katichid arunameva bhavatim; Virinchi-preyasyas tarunatara sringara-lahari- Gabhirabhi vagbhir vidadhati satam ranjanamami." ---------------------------------------------------------- Translation : Kavindranam chetah  =  the minds of the best of poets; kamala-vana              =  lotus cluster; baal-atapa-ruchim      =  light of the morning sun; Bhajante                    =  (they) worship; ye santah katichid      =  those few good men; arunam eva bhavatim;=  you as the red dawn itself; Virinchi-preyasyas     =  of the beloved of Virinchi (Saraswati); tarunatara                  =  fresher (ever fresh) sringara-lahari 

THE SOUNDARYA LAHARI : Slokam-15. Jagadguru Swami Sri Adi Shankaracharya’s Immortal Creation.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday, August 22, 2020. 04:43. AM. Slokam-15. Ability to write poems and ability to become scholar Post-17. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Slokam -15. ( Ability to write poems and ability to become scholar ) Saraj-jyotsna-shuddham sasi-yuta-jata-juta-makutam Vara-traasa-traana-sphatika-ghutika-pustaka karaam; Sakrn na thva nathva katham iva sathaam sannidadhate Madhu-kshira-drakhsa-madhurima-dhurinah phanitayah. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Translation : Saraj-jyotsna - autumnal moonlight; - (gesticulate) granting of boon - who is pure; sasi-yuta - endowed with the moon; jata-juta-makutam - who has a tiara on the mass of twisted hair; Var - (gesticulate) g- protection from fearranting of boon; traasa-traana - protection from fear; sphatika-ghutika - crystal bea

THE SOUNDARYA LAHARI : Slokam-14. Jagadguru Swami Sri Adi Shankaracharya’s Immortal Creation.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sunday, July 05, 2020. 11:28. AM. Slokam-14. Post-16. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Slokam-14: Avoiding famine, dacoity and epidemic. "Kshitau shat-panchasad dvi-samadhika-panchasadudake Hutase dva-sastis chatur-adhika-panchasad anile; Divi dvih-shatrimsan manasi cha chatuh-sashtir iti ye Mayukhastesham athyupari tava padambuja yugam." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Translation of slokam : Kshitau - in the earth element (of the Muladhara cakra) shat-panchasad - fifty six dvi-samadhika panchasad - fifty two udake - in the water element (of the Manipura cakra) Hutase - in the fire element (of the Svadhishthana cakra) dva-sastis - sixty two chatur-adhika-panchasad - fifty four anile;- in the air element (of the Anahata cakra) Divi

THE SOUNDARYA LAHARI : Slokam-13. Jagadguru Swami Sri Adi Shankaracharya’s Immortal Creat

======================================================= -------------------------------------------- Wednesday, May 20, 2020. Slokam-13. Post-15. ------------------------------------- Slokam-13: "Nara varshiyamsam nayanavirasam narmasu jadam tavapamkaloke patitamanudhavanti shathsha galat veni bandha kuch kalasha visthrutha sichaya hatath thrudyath kamchyho vigalidha dhukoola yuvthayah." ----------------------------------------------- Translation of slokam : nara = a man varshiyamsam = very old nayanavirasam = unpleasant to the eyes narmasu jadam = apatheic in amorous sport tav apang = the corner of your eyes aaloke = within the range of sight patit = falls anudhavanti = pursue shathsha = by the hundreds galat veni bandha = with braided hair loosened kuch kalasha = the pitcher like breasts (shapely bossom) visrat sicya = with cloth slipping hatat = suddenly thrudyath kamchyho = waist ornaments snapping vigalidha dukoola = with silk  garments

THE SOUNDARYA LAHARI : Slokam-12. Jagadguru Swami Sri Adi Shankaracharya’s Immortal Creation

========================================== ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 22/04/2020. Slokam-12. Absorption into Siva by the mind (by imagination).  The yogin mind is absorbed in meditation of Siva. (To attain Lord Shiva, To make a dumb man speak) Post-14. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Slokam : 12. "Tvadiyam saundaryam Tuhina-giri-kanye tulayitum Kavindrah kalpante katham api Virinchi-prabhrutayah; Yadaloka'utsukyad amara-lalana yanti manasa Tapobhir dus-prapam api girisa-sayujya-padavim. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Tvadiyam = Your; saundaryam = beauty; Tuhina-giri-kanye = Oh daughter of the snowy mountain (Himalayas, personified as Himavaan)! (Sakti) tulayitum = to compare Kavindrah = the best of poets  kalpante = are able katham api = somehow or other Virinchi prabhrutayah = Virinchi (Brahma) and others Yadaloka'

THE SOUNDARYA LAHARI : Slokam-11. Jagadguru Swami Sri Adi Shankaracharya’s Immortal Creation

======================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 30/01/2020. Slokam -11 : (Good progeny, Getting a meaning for life) Post-13. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Slokam : "Chaturbhih shri-kantaih shiva-yuvatibhih panchabhir api Prabhinnabhih sambhor navabhir api mula-prakrthibhih; Chatus-chatvarimsad vasu-dala-kalasra-trivalaya- Tri-rekhabhih sardham tava sarana-konah parinatah." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ By words meaning : Chaturbhih shri-kantaih =  with the four Srikanta (Siva) cakras shiva-yuvatibhih           =  Sivayuvati (Sakti) cakras panchabhir api             =  and with five Prabhinnabhih              =  seperate from