THE SOUNDARYA LAHARI : Slokam-18. Jagat guru Swami Sri Adi Shankaracharya’s Immortal Creation.


Wednesday, October  28, 2020. 11:04. AM.





"tanuchayapih  te taruna taruni  sri saranipih

rthavam sarva murvimarunimanimaknam  smarathi yah

bhavant  yasya trasyatvana harinashalina nayanah

saho  kashya  karshyah  gathi gatha na  kirvana  kanikah."    


Translation : 

tanuchayapih  - by the lustre of body

te - your

taruna taruni sri - the lustre of the newly risen sun

sanipih - with arrangement

dirva - heaven

sarvam urvi - all the earth

arunamin maknam  - immersed in redness

smarati yah - he who thinks

bhavant asyah - to him

 saho van harina  - frightened forest deer

shalina nayana  - eyes resembling

sah urvashi  - along with Urvasi (the most beautiful of the

celestial maidens)

 kashyah - (are) submissive

kathi katha - how many

n - not

girvana ganika - celestial courtesans

He who thinks all heaven and earth as immersed in redeness

by the lustre of your body, with an arrangement like the lustre

of the newly risen sun, to him, how many celestial courtesans

along with Urvasi, with eyes resembling frightened forest deer

are not submissive ? (Indeed all are submissive)

(The celestials submit to Sakti's devotee.

Cf SVL Verse 18 : The celestials worship Siva).


Tattvam (Essence :  Verse 18 : (The celestials worship Siva).

(The celestials submit to Sakti's devotee.)

He who thinks all heaven and earth as immersed in redeness by the lustre of  your body, with an arrangement like the lustreof the newly risen sun, to him, how many celestial courtesans along with Urvasi, with eyes resembling frightened forest deer are not submissive ? (Indeed all are submissive)


Slokam-18 : Conclusion 

(Victory in love)

Thanuschayabhi sthe tharuna-tharuni ?srisarinibhi

Divam sarva-murvi-marunimani magnam smaranthi ya

Bhavanthasya thrasya-dhwana-harina shaleena nayana

Sahervasya vasya kathikathi na geervana Ganika

He who meditates on,

The luster of your beautiful body,

Which is blessed by the rising sun,

And which dissolves the sky and the world,

In light purple hue,

Makes celestial damsels like Uravasi and others,

Who have eyes like the wild startled deer,

Follow him like slaves.



To be continued ...



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