THE SOUNDARYA LAHARI : Slokam-17. Jagat guru Swami Sri Adi Shankaracharya’s Immortal Creation.



Sunday, October 04, 2020. 8:18. AM.

Slokam-17. mastery over words, Knowledge of science



Slokam - 17: mastery over words, Knowledge of science

"Savitribhir vacham Chasi-mani-sila-bhanga-rucibhir

Vasiny'adyabhis tvam saha janani samchintayati yah;

Sa karta kavyanam bhavati mahatam bhangi-rucibhih

Vacobhi vagdevi-vadana-kamal'amoda madhuraii."


Translation :

Savitribhir vacham  = with the generators of speech (Vagdevatas);

Chasi-mani-sila       =  moon stone gem;

bhanga-rucibhir       =  lustre of the broken;

Vasiny'adyabhis      =  with Vasini and others (the 18 Vagdevatas);

tvam saha               =  together with you;

janani                      =  Oh Mother! (Sakti);

samchintayati yah;   =  he who reflects;

Sa karta kavyanam bhavati  =  he is the author of poetic composition;

mahatam                            =  great (poets);

bhangi-rucibhih                  =  with the beauty of wit;

Vacobhi                             =  with words;

vagdevi-vadana-kamal         =  the lotus face of the goddess of speech;

amoda madhuraii.               =  sweetly fragrant.


 Tatvam (Essence) : 

Sakti is surrounded by the celestials, the Vagdevatas.

Slokam - 17 : Siva is surrounded by the worshipping celestials.

"Oh Mother! he who reflects on you together with Vasini and

others, who are the generators of speech, and who have the

lustre of the broken moon stone gem, he is the author of

poetic composition with the beauty of wit of the great (poets)

and with words that are sweetly fragrant as the lotus face of

the goddess of speech." 


Conclusion :

"Oh, mother holy,

He who worships you,

Along with the goddess like Vasini,

Who are the prime source of words,

And you who are having the great luster,

Got by breaking the moon stone,

Becomes the author of great epics,

Which shine like those written by great ones,

And which have the sweet scent

Of the face of the goddess of knowledge."


To be continued ...



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