
Showing posts from 2021

THE SOUNDARYA LAHARI : Slokam-26- Jagat guru Swami Sri Adi Shankaracharya’s Immortal Creation.

 ======================================================================= ====================================================================== Monday, November  22, 2021. 6:00. AM. THE SOUNDARYA LAHARI : Slokam-26 ====================================================================== Slokam : "Virincih panchatvam vrajati harir apnoti virathim Vinasam kinaso bhajati dhanado yati nighanam; Vitandri mahendri vithathir api sammeelita-drsa Maha-samhare smin viharati sati tvat-patirasau." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Translation : Virinchi (Brahma) proceeds to death (dissolution into the five elements)  Hari (Vishnu)  meets an end  destruction  Kinaasa (Yama, the lord of death)  obtains  Dhanada (Kubera, the lord of wealth)  proceeds to death are in deep sleep (of death)  the group of Mahendras (Indra the lord of gods) also  with eyes closed  in this the great universal destruction he spor

THE SOUNDARYA LAHARI : Slokam-25- Jagat guru Swami Sri Adi Shankaracharya’s Immortal Creation.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday, September  13, 2021. 7:10. AM. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Slokam-25. (Getting higher posts and power) "Trayanam devanam thri-guna-janitanam tava Sive Bhavet puja puja tava charanayor ya virachita; Tatha hi tvat-pado'dvahana-mani-pithasya nikate Sthita hy'ete sasvan mukulita-karottamsa-makuta." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Translation : Tava - your thri-guna-janitanam - Oh Sivaa ! (Sakti) Bhavet puja - becomes homage puja - homage tava charanayor - to your feet ya virachita - that made Tatha hi - this is appropriate tvat-pado' - your feet dvahana-mani - supporting mani-pithasya - of the gem (studded) pedestal

THE SOUNDARYA LAHARI : Slokam-24 - Jagat guru Swami Sri Adi Shankaracharya’s Immortal Creation.

 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday, August  8, 2021. 7:10. AM. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Slokam-24.  “Jagathsoothe Dhaathaa Hariravathi Rudraha Kshapayathe Thiraskurvannethathsavamapi Vapureeshasthirayathi! Sadaapoorvaha Sarvam Thadidamanugruhnaathi Cha Shivaha Thavaagnaamaalambya Kshanachalithayobhoorlathikayoho!” ​---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Translation : Jagat sute dhata - Brahma creates the world Harihi avati - Vishnu preserves Rudra kshapayate - Shiva destroys Tiras kurvan etat svam api vapur - negating this and even his own body Isah tirayati - the lord fades out Sada purvaha - he who has eternity for prefix Sarvam tad idam

THE SOUNDARYA LAHARI : Slokam-23 - Jagat guru Swami Sri Adi Shankaracharya’s Immortal Creation.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday, June  29, 2021. 5:17. AM. Slokam-23.  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Slokam-23 : getting of all riches. Tvaya hrithva vamam vapur aparitripthena manasa Sarir'ardham sambhor aparam api sankhe hritham abhut; Yad ethat tvadrupam sakalam arunabham trinayanam Kuchabhyam anamram kutila-sadi-chuudala-makutam. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tvaya - by you hrithva - having taken over vamam vapur - the left half of the body aparitripthena manasa - with a dissatisfied mind sankhe hritham <- half of the body sambhor aparam - of Sambhu (Siva) aparam api - the other (half) also sankhe - I think hritham abhut - was taken Yad- because ethat  tvadrupam sakalam - this your form skl< Aé[a-< - entirely red iÇ nyn< -

THE SOUNDARYA LAHARI : Slokam-22. Jagat guru Swami Sri Adi Shankaracharya’s Immortal Creation.

  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday, May  07, 2021. 07:08. AM. Slokam-22.  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Slokam : The devotee entreats Sakti to bestow compassion. "Bhavani tvam daase mayi vitara drishtim sakarunam Iti sthotum vanchan kadhayati Bhavani tvam iti yah; Tadaiva tvam tasmai disasi nija-sayujya-padavim Mukunda-brahmendra-sphuta-makuta-nirajita-padam." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Translation : Bhavani - Oh Bhavani! (Sakti) tvam dhase mayi- on me your slave vithar - you bestow drishtim - look sakarunam - endowed with compassion iti - thus stothum vanchan - desiring to praise kayati - says bhavani tvam iti  - may I become you, thus (by treating the word "Bhavani" as a verbal declension, one elevates the meaning to that of the aphorisitic declaration  yah -

THE SOUNDARYA LAHARI : Slokam-21. Jagat guru Swami Sri Adi Shankaracharya’s Immortal Creation.

  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday, April  02, 2021. 07:25. AM. Slokam-21.  Post-22. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Attracting every one, Making everyone happy) Tatil-lekha-thanvim thapana-sasi-vaisvanara-mayim Nishannam shannam apy upari kamalanam tava kalaam; Maha-padma tavyam mrdita-mala-mayena manasa Mahantah pasyanto dadhati parama'hlada-laharim. Those souls great, Who have removed all the dirt from the mind, And meditate on you within their mind, Who is of the form of sun and moon, And living in the forest of lotus, And also above the six wheels of lotus, Enjoy waves after waves, Of happiness supreme. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Slender as a streak of lightning (Kundalini or coiled up energy or aspect of Sakti within the indiviual, having evolved the twenty five categorie

THE SOUNDARYA LAHARI : Slokam-20. Jagat guru Swami Sri Adi Shankaracharya’s Immortal Creation.

  ---------------------------------------------------- Monday, February  01, 2021. 10:00. AM. Slokam-20.  Post-21. ------------------------------------------------ Slokam 20 : "kranti atgapiya kirana nikurmbha amrutha rasam hruthi tvam adathe himakar shila moorthi iva yah sah sarpanam dharpam shamyati shakundapa iva jvara lushtan drushya sukayati sudha dharasiraya." -------------------------------------------------- Translation : kranti  -  scattering atgapiya - from the body parts kirana nikurumbha - multitude of rays amrutha rasam - the essence of nectar hruthi - in the heart tvam - you adathe - he fixes himakar shila - moon stone moorthi iva - like an idol yah sah - he, who sarpanam dharpam - the pride of serpents (poison) shamyati - he destroys shakundapa iva - like the lord of birds (Garuda) jvara lushtan - those scorched by fever drushya - by a look sukayati - he comforts sudha dharasiraya - endowed with a (blood) vessel (nadi) streaming nectar (and not blood) ---------