THE SOUNDARYA LAHARI : Slokam-20. Jagat guru Swami Sri Adi Shankaracharya’s Immortal Creation.



Monday, February  01, 2021. 10:00. AM.


Slokam 20 :

"kranti atgapiya kirana nikurmbha amrutha rasam

hruthi tvam adathe himakar shila moorthi iva yah

sah sarpanam dharpam shamyati shakundapa iva

jvara lushtan drushya sukayati sudha dharasiraya."


Translation :

kranti  -  scattering

atgapiya - from the body parts

kirana nikurumbha - multitude of rays

amrutha rasam - the essence of nectar

hruthi - in the heart

tvam - you

adathe - he fixes

himakar shila - moon stone

moorthi iva - like an idol

yah sah - he, who

sarpanam dharpam - the pride of serpents (poison)

shamyati - he destroys

shakundapa iva - like the lord of birds (Garuda)

jvara lushtan - those scorched by fever

drushya - by a look

sukayati - he comforts

sudha dharasiraya - endowed with a (blood) vessel (nadi) streaming

nectar (and not blood)


Tatvam (Essence ) :

He who fixes you in the heart scattering from the body parts, the essence of nectar like the multitude of rays from an idol of moonstone, he destroys the pride of serpents like the lord of birds, (and) comforts those scorched by fever by a (mere) look, endowed (as he is) with the vessel streaming nectar.

The devotee of Sakti subdues the pride of serpents Slokam 20 : The monkey of the heart is subdued bydevotion to Siva.


Conclusion :

(Curing of all poisons and curing of all fevers)

Kirantim angebhyah kirana-nikurumba'mrta-rasam

Hrdi tvam adhatte hima-kara-sila murthimiva yah;

Sa sarpanam darpam samayati sakuntadhipa iva

Jvara-plustan drshtya sukhayati sudhadhara-siraya.

He who meditates in his mind,

On you who showers nectar from all your limbs,

And in the form which resembles,

The statue carved out of moonstone,

Can with a single stare,

Put an end to the pride of snakes,

And with his nectar like vision,

Cure those afflicted by fever.




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