THE SOUNDARYA LAHARI : Slokam-25- Jagat guru Swami Sri Adi Shankaracharya’s Immortal Creation.


Monday, September  13, 2021. 7:10. AM.

Slokam-25. (Getting higher posts and power)

"Trayanam devanam thri-guna-janitanam tava Sive

Bhavet puja puja tava charanayor ya virachita;

Tatha hi tvat-pado'dvahana-mani-pithasya nikate

Sthita hy'ete sasvan mukulita-karottamsa-makuta."


Translation :

Tava - your

thri-guna-janitanam - Oh Sivaa ! (Sakti)

Bhavet puja - becomes homage

puja - homage

tava charanayor - to your feet

ya virachita - that made

Tatha hi - this is appropriate

tvat-pado' - your feet

dvahana-mani - supporting

mani-pithasya - of the gem (studded) pedestal

nikate - in proximity

Sthita - (they) stand

hy'ete - indeed these (gods)

Sive! - eternally

mukulita karot - hands held together in the shape of a bud

tamsa-makuta - cresting (their) crowns


Tatvam of the Slokam :

Oh Sivaa ! that homage made to your feet becomes homage to the three gods born of your three properties. This is appropriate (for) indeed these stand in proximity to the gem (studded) pedestal, supporting your feet, with hands held together in the form of a bud, cresting (their) crowns eternally.

(Sakti is worshipped by Brahma and others. 


Conclusion :

Consort of Shiva, The worship done at the base of your feet, Is the worship done to the holy Trinity, Born based on your trine properties .This is so true, oh mother, Because don?t the trinity, Always stand with folded hands, Kept on their crown Near the jeweled plank, Which carries thine feet.


Commentary :

Parama Shiva Patni! Nirlepa Nirmala Nitya Niraakara Niraakula, NIRGUNA Nishkalaa Shantaa Nishkaamaa Nirupaplava/ Nityamuktaa Nirvikaaraa Nishprapancha Niraashraya, Nitya Shuddha Nitya Buddhaa Niravadyaa Nirantaraa/ You are the progenitor of Tri Gunas of Satva- Rajas- Tamas nature and the representation of these Gunas are Brahma- Vishnu - Ishwaras. These Devas responsible for Srishti- Sthiti-Samhaaras are at your instant and faithful service with bent knees and heads wearing sparkling and bejewelled kireetaas right at your Sacred Feet as you are comfortably seated on the ‘Maha Mani Peetha’! [ Mani-Dwipa at the center of which is situated the Very Special Chintamani Griha shining ‘Sanctum Sanctorum’ the mid center of which is the raised platform with a plank supported by the four legs of Brahma, Vishnu, Rudra and Maheswara and the plank is Sadashiva Himself!

Pandita Lakshmi Dhara describes: Trayaanaam Devaanaam triguna jananitaanaam tava Shive bhavet pujaa/ Jajajjanani! The Tri Murtis featuring Your ‘trigunas’ of Satva-Rajasika- Tamasika characteristic distinctions are ready for service at your feet, since all the three Prime Leaders are waiting with theirheads down and arms folded outside the Mani Peetha for your instant instructions.


To be continued ...



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