THE SOUNDARYA LAHARI : Slokam-26- Jagat guru Swami Sri Adi Shankaracharya’s Immortal Creation.



Monday, November  22, 2021. 6:00. AM.


Slokam :

"Virincih panchatvam vrajati harir apnoti virathim

Vinasam kinaso bhajati dhanado yati nighanam;

Vitandri mahendri vithathir api sammeelita-drsa

Maha-samhare smin viharati sati tvat-patirasau."


Translation :

Virinchi (Brahma) proceeds to death (dissolution into the five elements)  Hari (Vishnu)  meets an end  destruction  Kinaasa (Yama, the lord of death)  obtains  Dhanada (Kubera, the lord of wealth)  proceeds to death are in deep sleep (of death)  the group of Mahendras (Indra the lord of gods) also  with eyes closed  in this the great universal destruction he sports Oh Sati! (chaste wife)  this your husband (Sadasiva). 

Virinchi proceeds to death. Hari meets an end. Kinaasa obtains destruction. Dhanada proceeds to death. The group of Indras are also in deep sleep (death) with eyes closed. Oh Sati! in this great universal destruction, this (Sadasiva) your husband sports.

(Brahma and others perish at the end of the creative cycle The devotee seeks the joy not vouchsafed to Brahma and others). 


Conclusion :

Destruction of enemies :

The creator reaches the dissolution, The Vishnu attains death, The god of death even dies, Kubera the lord of wealth expires, The Indras close their eyes one after one, And attain the wake less sleep, During the final deluge, But you my chaste mother, Play with your consort the Sadashiva.




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