THE SOUNDARYA LAHARI : Slokam-22. Jagat guru Swami Sri Adi Shankaracharya’s Immortal Creation.


Friday, May  07, 2021. 07:08. AM.

Slokam : The devotee entreats Sakti to bestow compassion.

"Bhavani tvam daase mayi vitara drishtim sakarunam

Iti sthotum vanchan kadhayati Bhavani tvam iti yah;

Tadaiva tvam tasmai disasi nija-sayujya-padavim



Translation :

Bhavani - Oh Bhavani! (Sakti)

tvam dhase mayi- on me your slave

vithar - you bestow

drishtim - look

sakarunam - endowed with compassion

iti - thus

stothum vanchan - desiring to praise

kayati - says

bhavani tvam iti  - may I become you, thus (by treating the word

"Bhavani" as a verbal declension, one elevates the meaning to

that of the aphorisitic declaration 

yah - he

tada  eva - at that moment itself

yah - you

tSmE idzis - you grant to him

nijasaujya padavim - the state of perpetual absorption of the

self into the deity (one of the four states of Mukti or


mukuna - Mukunda (Hari)

bramah - Brahma

indra- Indra

skud makud - bright diadems

nirajita padam - feet which receive the oblation of lights


Essence of the Slokam :

"Oh Bhavani! bestow on me your slave, (your) look endowed with compassion". He who desiring to praise you thus, (and) says thus : "May I become you". At that moment itself, you, whose feet receive the oblation of lights from the bright diadems of Mukunda, Brahma, and Indra, grant to him the state of perpetual absorption into the deity."


Conclusion : (Getting of all powers)

Bhavani tvam daase mayi vitara drishtim sakarunam

Iti sthotum vanchan kadhayati Bhavani tvam iti yah;

Tadaiva tvam tasmai disasi nija-sayujya-padavim


If any one has wish in his mind to pray. You , Bhavani , my mother, Please shower on me, a part of your merciful look?, Even before he says, ?You Bhavani?, You my goddess, Would give to him the water, Falling from the crowns , Of Vishnu, Rudra and Brahma, At your feet, And grant him, the eternal life in your world.




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