THE SOUNDARYA LAHARI : Slokam-21. Jagat guru Swami Sri Adi Shankaracharya’s Immortal Creation.


Friday, April  02, 2021. 07:25. AM.

(Attracting every one, Making everyone happy)
Tatil-lekha-thanvim thapana-sasi-vaisvanara-mayim
Nishannam shannam apy upari kamalanam tava kalaam;
Maha-padma tavyam mrdita-mala-mayena manasa
Mahantah pasyanto dadhati parama'hlada-laharim.

Those souls great,
Who have removed all the dirt from the mind,
And meditate on you within their mind,
Who is of the form of sun and moon,
And living in the forest of lotus,
And also above the six wheels of lotus,
Enjoy waves after waves,
Of happiness supreme.

Slender as a streak of lightning (Kundalini or coiled up energy or aspect of Sakti within the indiviual,
having evolved the twenty five categories within, corresponding to the macrocosm without.

Great men who perceive by a mind free from sin and illusion, your aspect (as the Sadakhya kala), seated in the great lotus forest (the Sahasrara), above the six lotuses (yogic cakras) and (the granthis or knots), slender as a streak of lightning, of the nature of the sun, moon and fire, possess the wave of supreme joy.

(The mind of the devotee, free from sin and illusion, perceives Siva - Sakti in the great lotus forest. Cf SVL, Song 21 : Siva - Sakti reach the pure, lotus
like heart of the devotee).

To be continued ...



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