
Showing posts from 2019

THE SOUNDARYA LAHARI : Post-12. Slokam-10. Jagadguru Swami Sri Adi Shankaracharya’s Immortal Creation

======================================================================== ======================================================================== 13/12/2019 Slokam -10 : (Getting a strong body, virility) ======================================================================= Slokam - 10 :The devotee is engrossed in the bliss of remembering Siva's feet. The body of the devotee is drenched by the nectar of Sakti's feet. "Sudha-dhara-sarais carana-yugalanta vigalitaih Prapancham sinchanti punarapi ras'amnaya-mahasah; Avapya svam bhumim bhujaga-nibham adhyusta-valayam Svam atmanam krtva svapishi kulakunde kuharini." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sudha : - nectar; dhara-sarais : - with a torrential stream; carana-yugalanta : - from within (your) pair of feet; vigalitaih : - trickling; Prapancham : - the body (made of the five elements); sinchanti  : -

THE SOUNDARYA LAHARI : Post-11. Slokam-9. Jagadguru Swami Sri Adi Shankaracharya’s Immortal Creation

======================================================================== -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Slokam - 9 : The devotee submits the lotus of the heart to the lord of Uma). (For return of people who have gone on journey, For getting eight types of wealth) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Mahim muladhare kamapi manipure huthavaham Sthitham svadhistane hridi marutamakasam upari; Mano'pi bhruu-madhye sakalamapi bhittva kula-patham Sahasrare padme saha rahasi patyaa viharase." ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mahim muladhare - the earth element in the Muladhara, (the 4 petalled lotus yogic cakra, or the level of conciousness corresponding to Bhuloka) kamapi manipure - and the water element in

THE SOUNDARYA LAHARI : Post-10. Slokam-8. Jagadguru Swami Sri Adi Shankaracharya’s Immortal Creation

======================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12/10/2019 THE SOUNDARYA LAHARI : Post-10. SLOKAM - 8. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Avoiding of birth and death - The blessed ones worship Sakti - The ignorant do not worship Siva. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Sudha-sindhor madhye sura-vitapi-vati parivrte Mani-dweepe nipo'pavana-vathi chintamani-grhe; Shivaakare manche Parama-Shiva-paryanka-nilayam Bhajanti tvam dhanyah katichana chid-ananda-laharim." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sudha - nectar; sindhor madhye - in the midst of

THE SOUNDARYA LAHARI : 9. Jagadguru Swami Sri Adi Shankaracharya’s Immortal Creation

======================================================================== -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20/09/2019 THE SOUNDARYA LAHARI : SLOKAM - 7. (Seeing the Goddess in person, Winning over enemies) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Slokam-7. "Kvanat-kanchi-dama kari-kalabha-kumbha-stana-nata Pariksheena madhye parinata-sarachandra-vadana; Dhanur banan pasam srinim api dadhana karatalaii Purastad astam noh Pura-mathitur aho-purushika." Translation : With a golden belt, Adorned by tiny tingling bells, Slightly bent by breasts like the two frontal globes Of an elephant fine, With a thin pretty form, And with a face like the autumn moon, Holding in her hands, A bow of sugar cane , arrows made of flowers, And the noose and goad, She who has the wonderful form, Of the ego of

THE SOUNDARYA LAHARI : 8. Jagadguru Swami Sri Adi Shankaracharya’s Immortal Creation

24/06/2019 THE SOUNDARYA LAHARI : STANZAS 1 TO 10. STANZA - 6. "Dhanuh poushpam mourwee madhu karamayee pancha visikhaah vasantas saamanto malaya marud aayodhana rathah, tathaa apy aekas sarwam hima giri sutae kaamapi kripaam apaangaat tae labdhwaa jagad idam anango vijayatae." Dhanuh poushpam - the bow is flowery mourwee madhu karamayee - the bow string is made of bees pancha visikhaah - the five (flowers) are the arrows vasantas - Vasanta (Spring personified) saamanto - neighbouring king (the traditional ally of Cupid) malaya marud - breeze from the Malaya mountain (laden with the fragrance of sandal wood found there, by poetic convention) aayodhana rathah - the war chariot tathaa apy aekas - even thus and alone sarwam - all hima giri sutae - Oh daughter of the snowy mountain ( Himalayas personified as Himawan,)! (Sakti) kaamapi kripaam - some sort (inexpressible) of compassion apaangaat tae - from the corner of your eye labdhwaa - having obtaine

THE SOUNDARYA LAHARI : 7. Jagad Guru Swami Sri Adi Sankaraacharya’s Immortal Creation

21/05/2019 THE SOUNDARYA LAHARI : STANZAS 1 TO 10. STANZA - 5. "hari stwaam aaraadhya pranata jana soubhaagya jananeem puraa naaree bhootwaa puraa ripum api kshobha manayat; smaropi twaam satwaa rati nayana laehyaena vapushaa muneenaam apy antah prabhavati hi mohaaya mahataam." hari - Hari (Vishnu) twam aaraaadhya - having worshipped you pranata jana - people who bow (to you) soubhaagya jananeem - the creator of auspiciousness puraa - formerly naaree bhootwaa - having become a woman ( assimilation with Sakti, one of the four states of Mukti or Liberation) puraa ripum api - even Puraripu (the enemy of the three cities of the demons or the three bodies of man), (Siva) kshobha manayat - led to agitation smarah api - Smara (Cupid) too twaam satwaa - having bowed to you rati nayana - the eyes of Rati laehyaena vapushah - with a body like a lambative muneenaam api - even sages antah - within prabhavati hi  - capable indeed mohaaya - (of generating) de

THE SOUNDARYA LAHARI : 6. Jagad Guru Swami Sri Adi Sankaraacharya’s Immortal Creation

31/03/2019 THE SOUNDARYA LAHARI : STANZAS 1 TO 10. STANZA - 4. "twadanyah paanibhyaam abhaya varado daivata ganah twam aekaa naiva asi prakatita vara abheety abhinayaa bhayaat traatum daatum phalam api cha vaancaa samadhikam saranyae lokaanaam tavahi charanaa vaeva " twadanyah = other than you paanibhyaam = by the hands ( by empty gesture ) abhaya varado = bestowers of protection from fear and boon daivata ganah = the assembage of gods twam ekaa = you alone naiva asi = you do not thus prakatita = display vara abheety = bestowing of boon and protection from fear abhinayaa = by gesture bhayaat traatum = protecting from fear daatum phalam api cha = and giving reward vaancaa samadhikam = in excess of that desired saranyae lokaanaam = oh refuge of the worlds! ( Sakti ) tava = your hi = indeed charanaa eva = even feet nipunaa = are expert. "Other than you, the assemblages of gods assure protection from fear and gesticulate this by the Abhay

THE SOUNDARYA LAHARI : 5. Jagad Guru Swami Sri Adi Sankaraacharya’s Immortal Creation

01/03/2019 THE SOUNDARYA LAHARI : STANZAS 1 TO 10. STANZA - 3. * avidyaanaam antas timira mihira dweepa nagaree jadaanaam chaitanya stabaka makaranda sruti jharee daridraanaam chintaamani gunanikaa janma jaladhau nimagnaanaam damshtraa mura ripu varaahasya bhavati. * avidyaanaam - for the spiritually ignorant; antah timira - inner darkness; mihira dweepa nagaree - the island city of the sun (a division of the terrestrial world from where the sun is said to rise); jadaanaam - for the dull witted; chaitanya - pure intelligence; stabaka makaranda - honey of the (Kalpaka flower) cluster (of the wish yeilding Kalpaka tree); sruti jharee - flowing stream; daridraanaam - for the impoverished; chintaamani gunanikaa - necklace of the Cintamani (the wish yeilding gem); janma jaladhau - in the ocean of births; nimagnaanaam - those immersed; damshtraa - the tusks; mura ripu - the enemy of (the demon) Mura; varaahasya - of the boar (an incarnation of Vish

THE SOUNDARYA LAHARI : 4. Jagad Guru Swami Sri Adi Sankaraacharya’s Immortal Creation

10/02/2019 THE SOUNDARYA LAHARI : STANZAS 1 TO 10. 2. taneeya amsam paamsum tavacharana pankaeruha bhavam virinchis sanchinwan virachayati lokaan avikalan vahatyaenam Saurih katham api sahasraena Sirasaam harah samkshudwainam bhajati bhasmod doolana vidhim. taneeya amsam paamsum - minute dust tava - your charana pankaeruha - lotus feet bhavam - present in virinchis - Virinchi (Brahma) sanchinwan - gathering virachayati - makes (Creation) lokaan avikalan - all the worlds vahatyaenam  - carries this (Preservation) Saurih - Shouri (Vishnu) katham api - some how sahasraena Sirasaam - by a thousand heads (as the serpent Adisesha,the tamasic form of Vishnu, who supports the world with his thousand heads) harah - Hara (Siva) samkshudwainam - having powdered this (Destruction) bhajati - observes bhasmod doolana - sprinkling sacred ash vidhim - injunction "O! Bhagavati, Virinchi (the Creator) carefully gathers the minute dust from Thy celebrated lotus feet to