THE SOUNDARYA LAHARI : 8. Jagadguru Swami Sri Adi Shankaracharya’s Immortal Creation


"Dhanuh poushpam mourwee madhu karamayee pancha visikhaah
vasantas saamanto malaya marud aayodhana rathah,
tathaa apy aekas sarwam hima giri sutae kaamapi kripaam
apaangaat tae labdhwaa jagad idam anango vijayatae."

Dhanuh poushpam - the bow is flowery
mourwee madhu karamayee - the bow string is made of bees
pancha visikhaah - the five (flowers) are the arrows
vasantas - Vasanta (Spring personified)
saamanto - neighbouring king (the traditional ally of Cupid)
malaya marud - breeze from the Malaya mountain (laden with the fragrance of sandal wood found there, by poetic convention)
aayodhana rathah - the war chariot
tathaa apy aekas - even thus and alone
sarwam - all
hima giri sutae - Oh daughter of the snowy mountain ( Himalayas personified as Himawan,)! (Sakti)
kaamapi kripaam - some sort (inexpressible) of compassion
apaangaat tae - from the corner of your eye
labdhwaa - having obtained
jagat idam - this world
anango - Ananga (the bodiless one), (Cupid)
vijayatae - triumphs

O! Daughter of the snow mountain! What to say about your blessings! Manmadha bow is sugarcane twig. Its string is made of bee line. His five arrows are flowers. Vasanta (spring season) is his pal and companion. Gentle (Malaya) mountain breeze is his chariot to wage his war. Thus, though all his instruments and associates are so inefficient, Ananga (Manmadha) triumphs over this entire world. Isn’t because of the compassionate glance from the corner of your eye?

The bow is flowery. The bow string is made of bees. The five (flowers) are the arrows. Vasanta is the neighbouring king (ally). The breeze from the Himalaya mountain is the war chariot. Even thus and (all) alone, Oh daughter of the snowy mountain! having obtained some sort compassion from the corner of your eye, Ananga triumphs over all this world.

To be continued ...


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