THE SOUNDARYA LAHARI : 5. Jagad Guru Swami Sri Adi Sankaraacharya’s Immortal Creation




* avidyaanaam antas timira mihira dweepa nagaree
jadaanaam chaitanya stabaka makaranda sruti jharee
daridraanaam chintaamani gunanikaa janma jaladhau
nimagnaanaam damshtraa mura ripu varaahasya bhavati.

* avidyaanaam - for the spiritually ignorant;

antah timira - inner darkness;

mihira dweepa nagaree - the island city of the sun (a division of the terrestrial world from where the sun is said to rise);

jadaanaam - for the dull witted;

chaitanya - pure intelligence;

stabaka makaranda - honey of the (Kalpaka flower) cluster (of the wish yeilding Kalpaka tree);

sruti jharee - flowing stream;

daridraanaam - for the impoverished;

chintaamani gunanikaa - necklace of the Cintamani (the wish yeilding gem);

janma jaladhau - in the ocean of births;

nimagnaanaam - those immersed;

damshtraa - the tusks;

mura ripu - the enemy of (the demon) Mura;

varaahasya - of the boar (an incarnation of Vishnu);

bhavati. - it (the dust in your lotus feet).

* For the inner darkness of the spiritually ignorant, it (the dust in your lotus feet) is the island city of the sun. For the dull witted it is the flowing stream of honey of the (Kalpaka flower) cluster of pure intelligence. For the impoverished it is the necklace of the Cintamani. For those immersed in the ocean of births, it is the tusks of the boar (Vishnu), the enemy of Mura.

* O! Mother! For the spiritually ignorant, engulfed by darkness, the dust of your lotus feet is the shining Sun of an island city. For the dull witted, it is the flowing stream of honey of the Kalpaka flower cluster, the pure intelligence. For those impoverished it is the necklace granting all wealth like the Chintamani. For those immersed in the ocean of samsara (births etc.,), it is the tusk of the savior Wild Boar (Varaaha Vishnu), the enemy of Mura.

To be continued ....


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