THE SOUNDARYA LAHARI : 4. Jagad Guru Swami Sri Adi Sankaraacharya’s Immortal Creation

taneeya amsam paamsum tavacharana pankaeruha bhavam
virinchis sanchinwan virachayati lokaan avikalan
vahatyaenam Saurih katham api sahasraena Sirasaam
harah samkshudwainam bhajati bhasmod doolana vidhim.

taneeya amsam paamsum - minute dust
tava - your
charana pankaeruha - lotus feet
bhavam - present in
virinchis - Virinchi (Brahma)
sanchinwan - gathering
virachayati - makes (Creation)
lokaan avikalan - all the worlds
vahatyaenam  - carries this (Preservation)
Saurih - Shouri (Vishnu)
katham api - some how
sahasraena Sirasaam - by a thousand heads (as the serpent Adisesha,the tamasic form of Vishnu, who supports the world with his thousand heads)
harah - Hara (Siva)
samkshudwainam - having powdered this (Destruction)
bhajati - observes
bhasmod doolana - sprinkling sacred ash
vidhim - injunction

"O! Bhagavati, Virinchi (the Creator) carefully gathers the minute dust from Thy celebrated lotus feet to accomplish his creativity of all the worlds, without any hindrance.
Shouri (Vishnu) somehow manages to carry this dust on his thousand heads. Hara (Siva) amalgamates this powder and observes the injunction for sprinkling it on Himself as the
sacred ash (vibhooti)."

Virinchi gathering the minute dust present in your lotus feet makes all the worlds. Shouri somehow carries this by a thousand heads. Hara having powdered this observes the
injunction for sprinkling sacred ash.
(The dust of Sakti's feet is the Universe. Sivanandalahari washes away the dust of sin.)

To be continued ..


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