THE SOUNDARYA LAHARI : 7. Jagad Guru Swami Sri Adi Sankaraacharya’s Immortal Creation


"hari stwaam aaraadhya pranata jana soubhaagya jananeem
puraa naaree bhootwaa puraa ripum api kshobha manayat;
smaropi twaam satwaa rati nayana laehyaena vapushaa
muneenaam apy antah prabhavati hi mohaaya mahataam."

hari - Hari (Vishnu)
twam aaraaadhya - having worshipped you
pranata jana - people who bow (to you)
soubhaagya jananeem - the creator of auspiciousness
puraa - formerly
naaree bhootwaa - having become a woman ( assimilation with Sakti, one of the four states of Mukti or Liberation)
puraa ripum api - even Puraripu (the enemy of the three cities of the demons or the three bodies of man), (Siva)
kshobha manayat - led to agitation
smarah api - Smara (Cupid) too
twaam satwaa - having bowed to you
rati nayana - the eyes of Rati
laehyaena vapushah - with a body like a lambative
muneenaam api - even sages
antah - within
prabhavati hi  - capable indeed
mohaaya - (of generating) delusion
mahataam. - of great

"O! Mother, the very cause of auspiciousness to people who worship You, Once Sri Hari having worshipped you, has become an astonishingly beautiful woman and agitated the mind of even Lord Siva and stole his pride. Having bowed to you, Smara (cupid) too is blessed with an eternally handsome appearance which is like a soothing liniment to the eyes of his consort, Rati. With this appearance, he has indeed generated delusion within hearts of even great sages."

Hari having worshipped you, the creator of auspiciousness to people who bow to you, having become a woman formerly, led even Puraripu to agitation. Having bowed to you, Smara too with a body which is (like) a lambative to the eyes of Rati, is indeed capable (of generating) delusion within great sages. (Celestials sought the grace of Sakti,  Devotee seeks the grace of Siva)

To be continued ...


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