THE SOUNDARYA LAHARI : 6. Jagad Guru Swami Sri Adi Sankaraacharya’s Immortal Creation


"twadanyah paanibhyaam abhaya varado daivata ganah
twam aekaa naiva asi prakatita vara abheety abhinayaa
bhayaat traatum daatum phalam api cha vaancaa samadhikam
saranyae lokaanaam tavahi charanaa vaeva "

twadanyah = other than you
paanibhyaam = by the hands ( by empty gesture )
abhaya varado = bestowers of protection from fear and boon
daivata ganah = the assembage of gods

twam ekaa = you alone
naiva asi = you do not thus
prakatita = display
vara abheety = bestowing of boon and protection from fear
abhinayaa = by gesture

bhayaat traatum = protecting from fear
daatum phalam api cha = and giving reward
vaancaa samadhikam = in excess of that desired

saranyae lokaanaam = oh refuge of the worlds! ( Sakti )
tava = your
hi = indeed
charanaa eva = even feet
nipunaa = are expert.

"Other than you, the assemblages of gods assure protection from fear and gesticulate this by the Abhaya mudra (hand gesture). You alone do not display such gesture with your hand of bestowing boon and protection from fear. Oh! Mother, the refuge for the worlds! Indeed, your expert feet (you are ready to walk up to us) are good enough in offering
such protection and giving bountiful rewards much in excess than our desires."

To be continued ..


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