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The Soundarya Lahari : 33.

 ======================================================================== ========================================================================= Monday, December 12, 2022. 07:00. Jagadguru Swami Sri Adi Shankaracharya’s Immortal Creation. ========================================================================= Slokam-33 : (All benefits) "Smaram yonim lakshmim trithayam idam adau tava manor Nidhay'aike nitye niravadhi-maha-bhoga-rasikah; Bhajanti tvam chintamani-guna-nibaddh'aksha-valayah Sivagnau juhvantah surabhi-ghrta-dhara'huti-sataih." --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Translation : Smaram = the word Smara (Cupid) standing for the syllable `klim' yonim = the word Yoni standing for the syllable `hrim'  lakshmim = the word Lakshmi standing for the syllable `Srim'  trithayam idam = these three  adau =  in the beginning  tava mano idaya = having placed in your

The Soundarya Lahari : 32.

======================================================================= ======================================================================== Thursday, October 27, 2022. 07:45. Jagadguru Swami Sri Adi Shankaracharya’s Immortal Creation. ======================================================================= Slokam-32 : (long life, Attracting of everything) "Sivah saktih kamah kshitir atha ravih sithakiranah Smaro hamsah sakrastadanu cha para-mara-harayah; Amee hrllekhabhis tisrbhir avasanesu ghatitha Bhajante varnaste tava janani nam'avayavatham." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The seed letter ?a? of goddess Shakthi, The seed letter ?ee? of the god of love, The seed letter ?la? of earth, TBecome the holy word to worship youShe who is mother of us all, The seed letter ?ka? of my lord Shiva,he seed letter ?ha? of the sun god, The seed letter ?sa? of the moon with cool rays, The seed

The Soundarya Lahari : 31.

 ======================================================================== ========================================================================= Wednesday, August 17, 2022. 20:45 Jagadguru Swami Sri Adi Shankaracharya’s Immortal Creation. ====================================================================== Slokam :  31 - "Attraction of everything" " Cautuh-shashtya tantraih sakalam atisamdhaya bhuvanam Sthitas tat-tat-siddhi-prasava-para-tantraih pasupatih; Punas tvan-nirbandhad akhila-purusarth'aika ghatana Svatantram te tantram khsiti-talam avatitaradidam." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Translation : Cautuh-shashtya tantraih = with the sixty four spiritual disciplines (which do not follow the Vedic path and aim at Artha and Kama only) sakalam = all atisamdhaya = having deceived bhuvanam = the world Sthitas = desisted tat-tat = that, that (to each individually)  sidd

The Soundarya Lahari : 30.

 ======================================================================== ======================================================================= Tuesday, June 14, 2022. 06:00. Jagadguru Swami Sri Adi Shankaracharya’s Immortal Creation. ========================================================================= Entering to another body : "Sva-deh'odbhutabhir ghrnibhir animadyabhir abhito Nishevye nitye tvamahamiti sada bhavayati yah; Kim-ascharyam tasya tri-nayana-samrddhim trinayato Maha-samvartagnir virchayati nirajana-vidhim." animadyabhir  =  Anima (capacity for atomic reduction) and others (the eight superhuman powers or Siddhis, personified as godesses)  abhito  = surrounded by  Nishevye  =  Oh one worthy of adoration! (Sakti)   nitye =  Oh eternal one! (Sakti)  tvam-aham-iti  =  you as the self (the aphorisitic declaration   sada  =  always  bhavayati  =  meditates   yah  =  he who Kim-ascharyam  =  Oh how wonderful!  tasya  =  to him  tri-nayana-samrddhim  =  the we

The Soundarya Lahari : 29.

 =============================================================== =============================================================== Friday, April 22, 2022. 06:00. Jagadguru Swami Sri Adi Shankaracharya’s Immortal Creation. =============================================================== Slokam-29 : Avoiding of abortions, Taming bad people "Kiritam vairincham parihara purah kaitabha bhidah Katore kotire skalasi jahi jambhari-makutam; Pranamreshwateshu prasabha mupayatasya bhavanam Bhavasy'abhyutthane tava parijanoktir vijayate." =============================================================== Translation : Kiritam = the crown vairincham = of Virinchi (Brahma)   parihara = you avoid purah = in front kaitabha  bhidah = the destroyer of (the demon) Kaitabha (Vishnu) Katore kotire = the hard crown  skalasi = you (will) trip  jahi  = avoid  jambhari-makutam = the crown of the enemy of Jambha (Indra) Pranamreshwateshu = when these (gods) are paying obeissance  prasabha = impetuously

The Soundarya Lahari : 28.

 ================================================================ =============================================================== Thursday, March 10, 2022. 06:00. Jagadguru Swami Sri Adi Shankaracharya’s Immortal Creation. ================================================================ Slokam-28 : (Fear of poison, Untimely death) "Sudham apy asvadya pratibhaya-jaraa-mrtyu-harinim Vipadyante visve Vidhi-Satamakhadya divishadah; Karalam yat ksvelam kabalitavatah kala-kalana Na Sambhos tan-mulam tava janani tadanka-mahima." --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Translation : Sudham apy        =  even ambrosia  asvadya                 =  having eaten  pratibhaya            =  the fearful jaraa-mrtyu           = old age (and) death  harinim                   =  that which removes  Vipadyante             =  they die visve                           =   all       Satamakhadya       =  Satamkha (Indra) and others  d

The Soundarya Lahari : Slokam-27- Jagadguru Swami Sri Adi Shankaracharya’s Immortal Creation.

 ================================================== ================================================= Friday, January 14, 2022. 6:00. AM. Slokam-27. (Realisation of self and ultimate truth) ================================================= Slokam : "Japo jalpah shilpam sakalam api mudra-virachana Gatih pradaksinya-kramanam asanady'ahuti-vidhih; Pranamah samvesah sukham akilam atmarpana-drsa Saparya-paryayas tava bhavatu yan me vilasitam." ---------------------------------------------------------------- Translation : Japah - muttered prayers jalpah - speech shilpam - manual tasks sakalam api - and all mudra-virachana - the symbolic arrangement of fingers in worship Gatih- the gait pradaksinya-kramanam - the steps of circambulation of the deity asanady' - food etc. ahuti-vidhih; - the method of offering oblations Pranamah - salutation samvesah - sleep sukham akilam - all that is facile atmarpana-drsa - from the point of view of offering the self Saparya-paryayas - synon