The Soundarya Lahari : 29.



Friday, April 22, 2022. 06:00.

Jagadguru Swami Sri Adi Shankaracharya’s Immortal Creation.


Slokam-29 : Avoiding of abortions, Taming bad people

"Kiritam vairincham parihara purah kaitabha bhidah

Katore kotire skalasi jahi jambhari-makutam;

Pranamreshwateshu prasabha mupayatasya bhavanam

Bhavasy'abhyutthane tava parijanoktir vijayate."


Translation :

Kiritam = the crown

vairincham = of Virinchi (Brahma)  

parihara = you avoid

purah = in front

kaitabha  bhidah = the destroyer of (the demon) Kaitabha (Vishnu)

Katore kotire = the hard crown 

skalasi = you (will) trip 

jahi  = avoid 

jambhari-makutam = the crown of the enemy of Jambha (Indra)

Pranamreshwateshu = when these (gods) are paying obeissance 

prasabha = impetuously

mupayatasya bhavanam = who approaches (your) abode 

Bhavasya = of Bhava (Siva)

Abhyutthane = when you rise in honour 

tava = your

parijanoktir = the words of the retinue 

vijayate. = may it triumph.


 The celestials pray to Siva. 

"Avoid the crown of Virinchi in front! You (will) trip on the hard crown of Kaitabhabhida! Avoid the crown of Jambhari!"

May (such) words of your retinue triumph, when you impetuously rise in honour of Bhava, who approaches (your) abode, when these (gods) are paying obeissance. 


Conclusion :

Yours escorts divine,Shout with concern at thee.?
Avoid the crown of Brahma, You may hit your feet, At the hard crown of Vishnu, Who killed the ogre Kaidaba, Avoid the crown of Indra?, When you get up and rush in a hurry, To receive thine lord who comes to your place.




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