The Soundarya Lahari : 37. by Jagadguru Sri Swami Adi Sankaracharya.


Wednesday,  24  May, 2023. 05 :30.

Jagadguru Swami Sri Adi Shankaracharya’s Immortal Creation.


Slogam-37. (Removal of Bhootha , Pretha Pisacha and Brahma Rakshasa)

"Vishuddhou the shuddha sphatika visadham vyoma janakam

Shivam seve devimapi siva samana vyavasitham

Yayo kaanthya sasi kirana  saaroopya sarane

Vidhoo thantha dwarvantha vilamathi chakoriva jagathi"


Translation :

I bow before the Shiva , Who is of the pure crystal form, 

In thine supremely pure wheel And who creates the principle of ether,

And to you my mother, Who has same stream of thought as Him.

I bow before you both, Whose moon like light,

Forever removes the darkness of ignorance, Forever from the mind,

And which shines like the Chakora* bird , Playing in the full moon light.


Vishuddhou - in your Vishuddhi cakra 

 shuddha sphatika - flawless crystal 

 visadham - pure 

Vyoma janakam - the originator of the space element 

Shivam seve - I worship Siva 

Devi api - along with Devi (Sakti) 

siva samana vyavasitham - whose functions are equal to Siva

Yayo kaanthya - whose (Siva and Sakti) lustre 

 sasi kirana- moon beams 

 saaroopya sarane  - arranged similar to

Vidhoo - dispelled 

antha dwantha - inner darkness

Vilamathi - shines

chakoriva - like the Cakora bird (a mythological bird which subsists on moon beams, and hence rejoices, as per poetic convention) 

jagathi - the worlds (heaven, earth and the nether worlds) 


I worship Siva, in your Vishuddhi cakra, who is pure as flawless crystal, who is the originator of the space element, along  with Devi, whose functions are equal to Siva; by whose emerging lustre arranged similar to moon beams, the worlds shine like the Cakora bird, with the inner darkness dispelled. 

The devotee worshipping Siva and Sakti, rejoices with his ignorance dispelled. The wise devotees of Siva obtain the joy of Siva who is with Uma. 




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