The Soundarya Lahari : 34. by Jagadguru Sri Swami Adi Sankaracharya.


Tuesday, February 07 2023 12, 2023. 6:00.

Jagadguru Swami Sri Adi Shankaracharya’s Immortal Creation.



(Development of mutual liking) :

Sariram twam sambhoh sasi-mihira-vakshoruha-yugam

Tav'atmanam manye bhagavati nav' atmanam anagham;

Atah seshah seshityayam ubhaya-saadharana taya

Sthitah sambandho vaam samarasa-parananda-parayoh.


Mantram Translation :

Oh goddess supreme,

I always see in my minds eye,

That your body with sun and moon,

As busts is the body of Shiva,

And his peerless body with nine surrounding motes,

Is your body, my goddess.

And so the relation of, that which has,

And he who has,

Becomes the one perfect relation of happiness,

And becomes equal in each of you.


Translation by words :

Sariram - the body

twam = you (Sakti as Paraa at the time of Creation)

sambhoh  = of Sambhu (Siva as Parananda at the time of Creation)

sasi-mihira = moon, sun 

-vakshoruha = the bosom

-yugam = endowed with 

Tav'atmanam =  your atman

manye = I consider 

bhagavati = Oh Bhagavati! (Oh glorious one!) (Sakti) 

nav' atmanam = one having nine parts (Kala, Kula,Naman, Jnana Citta, Nada, Bindu, Kalaa and Jiva) (Siva)

anagham; = sinless 

Atah = therefore 

seshah  =the Accessory - Principal

seshityayam   = of the nature of

ubhaya-saadharana taya = this being common to both

Sthitah = exists

sambandho = relationship 

vaam = in you (two) 

samarasa- = who are equipoised 

parananda- = Parananda (transcendent bliss or Siva)

parayoh. = Paraa (conciousness or Sakti) 


Conclusion :  Mantram - 34 : Sambhu rejoices at the time of dissolution

Oh Bhagavati! you are the body of Sambhu, endowed with 

the sun - moon for the bosom. (Sakti is Accessory to Siva the 

Principal at the time of dissolution). I consider the sinless one 

with nine parts (Siva) as your body. (Siva is Accessory to Sakti 

the Principal at the time of creation). Therefore, this 

relationship of the nature of Accessory - Principal exists being 

common to both, who are Parananda and Paraa equipoised. 


Note : This is the view of the Purvakaulas : the relative 

dominance of Sakti. 


(At the time of dissolution Siva is the Principal and 

Sakti is the Accessory and vice versa at creation. 

Next- Mantram-35.
To be continued



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