Saktism speaks of personal and the impersonal aspects of Godhead. Brahma is Nishkala or without Prakriti and Sakala or with Prakriti. The Vedantin speaks of Nirupadhika Brahman (pure Nirguna, Brahma without Maya) and Sopadhika Brahma (with Upadhi or Maya) or Saguna Brahman. It is all the same. Names only are different. It is a play of words of Sabda Jalam. People fight on words only and carry on lingual warfare—hair-splitting, logical chopping and intellectual gymnastics. In reality the essence is one. Clay only is the truth. All modifications such as pot, etc., are in name only. In Nirguna-Brahma Sakti it is potential whereas in Saguna-Brahma it is kinetic or dynamic.

The basis of Saktism is the Veda. Saktism upholds that the only source and authority (Pramana) regarding transcendental or supersensual matters such as the nature of Brahman, etc., is Veda. Saktism is only Vedanta. The Saktas have the same spiritual experience as that of a Vedantin.

The Devi-Sookta of the Rig-Veda, the Sri Sookta, Durga Sookta, Bhoo Sookta, and Neela Sookta, and the specific Sakta Upanishads such as Tripuratapini Upanishad, Sitopanishad, Devi Upanishad, Saubhagya-Upanishad, Saraswati Upanishad, Bhavanopanishad, Bahvrichopanishad, etc., emphatically declare about the Mother aspect of God. The Kena Upanishad also speaks of Uma Hemavathi who imparted wisdom of the Self to Indra and the Devas.

Divine Mother is everywhere triple. She is endowed with the three gunas, viz., Sattwa, Rajas, Tamas. She manifests as will (Iccha-Sakti), action (Kriya Sakti) and knowledge (Jnana Sakti). She is Brahma Sakti (Saraswati) in conjunction with Brahma; Vishnu Sakti (Lakshmi) in conjunction with Lord Vishnu; Siva Sakti (Gouri) in conjunction with Lord Siva. Hence she is called Tripurasundari.

The abode of Tripurasundari the Divine Mother is called Sri Nagara. This magnificent abode is surrounded by twenty-five ramparts which represent the twenty-five Tattwas. The resplendent Chintamani palace is in the middle. The Divine Mother sits in the Bindu Peetha in Sri Chaka in that wonderful palace. There is a similar abode for Her in the body of man also. The whole world is Her body. Mountains are Her bones. Rivers are Her veins. Ocean is Her bladder. Sun and moon are Her eyes. Wind is Her breath. Agni is Her mouth.

The Sakta enjoys Bhukti (enjoyment in the world) and Mukti (liberation from all worlds). Siva is an embodiment of Bliss and Knowledge. Siva Himself appears in the form of man with a life of mixture of pleasure and pain. If you remember this point always, all dualism, all hatred, jealousy, and pride will vanish. You must consider every human function as worship or a religious act. Answering calls of nature, micturition, talking, eating, seeing, hearing, become worship of Lord if you develop the right attitude. It is Siva who works in and through man. Where then is egoism of individuality? All human actions are divine actions. One universal life throbs in the hearts of all, sees in the eyes of all, works in the hands of all, hears in the ears of all. What magnanimous experience it is, if one can feel this by crushing this little ‘I’! The old Samskaras, the old Vasanas, the old habits of thinking, stand in the way of your realising this Experience-Whole.

To be continued ..


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