"27. Realisation of self and ultimate truth:"

27. Realisation of self and ultimate truth:

Japo jalpah shilpam sakalam api mudra-virachana
 Gatih pradaksinya-kramanam asanady'ahuti-vidhih;
 Pranamah samvesah sukham akilam atmarpana-drsa
 Saparya-paryayas tava bhavatu yan me vilasitam.


 Let the mutterings that I do,
 With the sacrifice in my soul.
 Become chanting of your name,
 Let all my movements become thine Mudhras,
 Let my travel become perambulations around thee,
 Let the act of eating and drinking become fire sacrifice to thee,
 Let my act of sleeping becomes salutations to you ,
 And let all actions of pleasure of mine,
 Become parts of thine worship.


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