
Showing posts from May, 2021

THE SOUNDARYA LAHARI : Slokam-22. Jagat guru Swami Sri Adi Shankaracharya’s Immortal Creation.

  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday, May  07, 2021. 07:08. AM. Slokam-22.  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Slokam : The devotee entreats Sakti to bestow compassion. "Bhavani tvam daase mayi vitara drishtim sakarunam Iti sthotum vanchan kadhayati Bhavani tvam iti yah; Tadaiva tvam tasmai disasi nija-sayujya-padavim Mukunda-brahmendra-sphuta-makuta-nirajita-padam." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Translation : Bhavani - Oh Bhavani! (Sakti) tvam dhase mayi- on me your slave vithar - you bestow drishtim - look sakarunam - endowed with compassion iti - thus stothum vanchan - desiring to praise kayati - says bhavani tvam iti  - may I become you, thus (by treating the word "Bhavani" as a verbal declension, one elevates the meaning to that of the aphorisitic declaration  yah -