
Showing posts from March, 2019

THE SOUNDARYA LAHARI : 6. Jagad Guru Swami Sri Adi Sankaraacharya’s Immortal Creation

31/03/2019 THE SOUNDARYA LAHARI : STANZAS 1 TO 10. STANZA - 4. "twadanyah paanibhyaam abhaya varado daivata ganah twam aekaa naiva asi prakatita vara abheety abhinayaa bhayaat traatum daatum phalam api cha vaancaa samadhikam saranyae lokaanaam tavahi charanaa vaeva " twadanyah = other than you paanibhyaam = by the hands ( by empty gesture ) abhaya varado = bestowers of protection from fear and boon daivata ganah = the assembage of gods twam ekaa = you alone naiva asi = you do not thus prakatita = display vara abheety = bestowing of boon and protection from fear abhinayaa = by gesture bhayaat traatum = protecting from fear daatum phalam api cha = and giving reward vaancaa samadhikam = in excess of that desired saranyae lokaanaam = oh refuge of the worlds! ( Sakti ) tava = your hi = indeed charanaa eva = even feet nipunaa = are expert. "Other than you, the assemblages of gods assure protection from fear and gesticulate this by the Abhay