
SAKTI-YOGA PHILOSOPHY : Salutations to the Divine Mother -Swami Sivananda


Sakti is Chidroopini. She is pure, blissful consciousness. She is the Mother of nature. She is nature itself. She is the power of Lord Siva or Brahma. She runs this world-show. She maintains the sportive play or Lila or of the Lord. She is Jagad Janani (creator of the world), Mahishasuramardinee (destroyer of Mahishasura), Bhrantinashini (destroyer of illusion or Avidya), and Daridryanashini (destroyer of poverty).

Devi is Sakti of Lord Siva. She is Jada Sakti and Chit Sakti. She is Iccha Sakti, Kriya Sakti and Jnana Sakti. She is Maya Sakti. Sakti is Prakriti, Maya, Mahamaya, Sri Vidya. Sakti is Brahman itself. She is Lalita, Kundalini, Rajeshwari and Tripurasundari, Sati, Parvati. Sati manifested to Lord Siva in the ten forms as the Dasa Maha Vidya, viz., Kali, Bagalamukhi, Chinnamasta, Bhuvaneswari, Matangi, Shodasi, Dhoomavati, Tripurasundari, Tara and Bhairavi.

Worship of Sakti or Saktism is one of the oldest and most widespread religions in the world. Everybody in this world wants power, loves to possess power. He is elated by power. He wants to domineer over others through power. War is the outcome of greed for power. Scientists are followers of Saktism. He who wishes to develop will-power and a charming personality is a follower of Saktism. In reality, every man in this world is a follower of Saktism.

Scientists say now that everything is energy only and that energy is the physical ultimate of all forms of matter. The followers of the Sakta school of philosophy have said the same thing long ago. They further say that this energy is only a limited manifestation of the Infinite Supreme Power or Maha Sakti.

Sakti is always with Siva. They are inseparable like fire and heat. Sakti evolves Nada and Nada Bindu. The world is a manifestation of Sakti. Suddha Maya is Chit Sakti. Prakriti is Jada Sakti. Nada, Bindu and the rest are only names for different aspects of Sakti.

The countless universes are only dust of Divine Mother’s holy feet. Her glory is ineffable. Her splendour is indescribable. Her greatness is unfathomable. She leads the individual soul from Chakra to Chakra, from plane to plane and unifies him with Lord Siva in the Sahasrara.

The body is Sakti. The needs of the body are the needs of Sakti. When man enjoys it is Sakti who enjoys through him. His eyes, ears, hands and feet are Hers, She sees through his eyes, works through his hands, and hears through his ears, Body, mind, Prana, egoism, intellect, organs and all the other functions are Her manifestations.

To be continued ..


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