The Soundarya Lahari: Slogas: 56 to 60: Jagadguru Sri Swami Adi Sankaracharya.

================================================================================= Friday 11, October 2024, 05:30. Jagadguru Swami Sri Adi Shankaracharya’s Immortal Creation. Soundarya Lahari Translated by P. R. Ramachander ================================================================================= 56.[To get freed from Imprisonment and Curing of Eye Diseases] "Tav'aparne karne-japa-nayana-paisunya-chakita Niliyante thoye niyatham animeshah sapharikah; Iyam cha srir baddhasc-chada-puta-kavaiam kuvalayam Jahati pratyupe nisi cha vighatayya pravisathi." ============================================================================== Oh, She who is begotten to none, It is for sure, That the black female fish in the stream, Are afraid to close their eyes. Fearing that thine long eyes, Resembling them all, Would murmur bad about them,In your ears to which they are close by. It is also for sure, That the Goddess Lakshmi, Enters the blooming blue Lilly flowers, Before your e...