THE SOUNDARYA LAHARI : Jagad Guru Swami Sri Adi Sankaraacharya’s Immortal Creation :

27/10/2018 1. The Saundaryalahari (wave of beauty) is an unique lyrical composition. It combines the virtues of a devotional poem, a foundation text for saktisim (sakti worship) and a mantra sastra all in one. It consists of two parts : the first, called the Anandalahari (wave of bliss) consisting of forty one verses and the second called Saundaryalahari, composed of fifty nine verses. Notwithstanding this, the entire set of hundred verses are referred to as the Saundaryalahari. An additional three verses are accepted by some, bringing the number of verses to one hundred and three. Traditionally the work is ascribed to Sri Sankara, but some dispute this. Their contention is that the master of advaita vedanta postulating the non duality of the self and the absolute, could not have composed a devotional work, glorifying the duality of Sakti and Siva. And that the intellectual purity of the paramahamsa parivrajaka acharya could not have concerned itself with tantra, yantr...